Non-Traumatic Brain Injuries

Brain damage resulting from any Acquired Brain Injury leads to changes in the normal neuronal tissue activity and/or structure in one or multiple areas of the brain, and can affect normal brain functions. A Non- Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) occurs due to an internal disease process that leads to damaged brain tissue. Impairment sustained from an a Non-TBI can lead to life-long health challenges that may affect all aspect of life. Non-Tbi is classified as a chronic condition. MAKE A BrainSTEPS REFERRAL IMMEDIATELY
A Non-Traumatic brain injury can result from multiple causes. Here are some examples:

- Aneurysm
- Brain Infections (Meningitis/Encephalitis/Long COVID)
- Brain Tumor
- Disruption of Oxygen to the Brain (Near Drowning/Incomplete Hanging/Severe Asthma or Allergy Attack)
- Stroke
- Not an Inclusive list