Who We Are

Jody Dickerson RN, BSN, MN
BrainSTEPS Coordinator
Jody Dickerson is a Brain Injury Consultant within the Exceptional Student Services Unit (ESSU) at the Colorado Department of Education. She serves as the state consultant for learners with disabilities that stem primarily from brain injury, both traumatic, non-traumatic, and congenital. She is the coordinator of BrainSTEPS CO, which is a brain injury consultation model for the State of Colorado. She comes from a nursing background with a focus on school nursing, particularly Special Education (TBI/OHI) and brain injury support.

Toni Grishman RN, BSN
BrainSTEPS Coordinator
Toni Grishman, BSN, RN is a Brain Injury Consultant within the Health & Wellness unit at the Colorado Department of Education and co-coordinator of BrainSTEPS Colorado. Toni was previously a school nurse, the Brain Injury and Concussion Resource nurse, and BrainSTEPS Team Leader for 3 years at Jeffco Public Schools. Toni also participated in the American Academy of Pediatrics ECHO teaching session on supporting Concussions in the Schools. She is excited to educate others in supporting students with brain injuries.

Ilsa Loetzbeier
Regional Team Liaison- Eastern Pennsylvania
Email: [email protected]

Dr. Jim Wolf, CBIS
Regional Team Liaison- Eastern Pennsylvania
Email: [email protected]